There are many things Excel automation can do for users to work with an Excel workbook better.
For example, automate the process of filling in data from a big Excel file with around 6,000 records of complex tenders and sending this information in the quotation tool for manufacturing companies.
The Problem with Mass Entries
When it comes to filling Excel sheets manually, it’s not only time-consuming but also prone to human errors, lost revenue, duplicate billings, and higher costs.
Let’s take a closer look at manual process problems
1. Human entry Errors can cost you time and money
2. Increased Workload means more workforce, bigger team, and more salaries to pay
3. Unnecessary delays due to multiple approvals
4. Less Productivity
5. Possibility of Lost/Missing/Duplicate/Wrong entries
6. Lack of Transparency
The list continues.
![Main functionalities in Graip.AI](
How Graip.AI can help?
There are two main functionalities in Graip.AI that can help improve work with Excel files.
1. Excel recognition
2. Cell filling functionality.
Below are examples of Business Use Cases where Graip.AI can be applied to automate manual repetitive tasks:
Excel Recognition Automation:
1. AI can help to simplify and automate Excel Tenders/Specifications/RFQ processing by introducing artificially intelligent information recognition and passing this information to third-party systems. If matching between the Customer’s SKUs and your Product Catalogue IDs is required — Graip.AI can provide automation here too.
2. Regular Excel sales reports that can occur in the company from various assets, offices, sales, and organizations can be brought to a single template with the help of Graip.AI, and it can upload all this to the third-party system for further analysis and Salesforce decisions.
3. Excel Pricelists can be recognized and automatically transferred to the 3rd party Pricing solutions.
4. Excel automation can help with inventory management, and while gathering inventory results from different stocks and manually filling in this information into the ERP or warehouse system, Graip.AI can automatically take this information from Excel with Inventory results, reconcile this information against data on warehouse balances in the 3rd party system.
5. Material Master Creation: Excel with New Master Data for Product creation will be automatically passed to the Product Master Data System.
Excel Cell Filling Automation:
6. Mass BOM (Bill of Materials) Creation: Excel with Material Master Data will be automatically uploaded to your 3rd party solution, no needs to manually fill in a specific Excel Upload Template.
7. Mass Customers/Vendors Onboarding: there are no needs to manually fill in Customers/Vendors data from Excel to Excel Upload Template — cell filling functionality of will bring Customers/Vendors information from your Excel to the structure of the necessary Upload template and automatically send this data to the Master data system.
Additional functionalities for Excel from Graip.AI:
Object “Summary View”
Graip.AI provides what we call “Summary View” functionality. The solution can combine information from multiple cells in a single view.
Imagine you run a construction company and need to keep track of all project details in Excel.
You must construct House A, which will have six stages and 18 flats, and the building materials are ABCD. So, you have this information in Excel with all information about other Houses. Just one click and Graip.AI will show you Summary View about House A as per your request.
On top of that, it can apply some business logic, such as calculating the square meters of this building based on dimension parameters.
We can also forecast some information based on historical data, such as when and how well this building will be maintained.
Named-entity recognition
Graip.AI can intelligently and expertly classify information from unstructured Excel.
Imagine that you have an Excel file with information spread across different columns about your employees: their date of birth, address, status, and so on. And you need to send this information to a third-party system.
So, Graip.AI will not just take this text as text, but it can understand what exact information is stored in column E, for example, that this is a date of birth, and by applying some specific business rules, it can then process this information, which will be ready to use for the 3rd party solution.
First, we need to organize the storage of Excel files and create indexes for your Excel files.
Then, by providing business logic, Graip.AI can implement search functionality. Inventory management can be a good example here. Let’s say you have thousands of local warehouses, and you now have inventory management results for these warehouses.
You need to update your Sales Team with the total quantity of one item from different stocks. Firstly, you need to extract a specific item quantity from different Excel, then summarize it all, and share the actual information with your salesforce.
Hence, Graip.AI has such functionality and can streamline this process!
Semantic Analysis
When we have quarterly or monthly sales reports, we usually mark some information with different types of text or different colors.
For example, bold text can indicate that this is the most important item for Sales Plan and that we must act immediately on it, red text can indicate that previous sales may be too low, and we can stop to produce this Product in the upcoming Sales period.
As a result, Graip.AI will read not only the column name and the information stored in it, but also recognize semantic logic. Based on the pre-defined semantic, the solution will provide you with insights in the same way that a human would.
So, once Graip.AI processes this information, you will not only have the numbers or text from your Excel file, but you will also get notifications or alerts that tell you how to use this information further.
Closing in
Besides the pre-build Excel Use Cases and described functionalities, Graip.AI is open to non-standard scenarios.