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PO Partner Program

Fully automated PO processing for your clients in manufacturing & retail

icon0End-to-end solution
icon1All related documents processing
icon2Native integration with ERPs
icon3Catalogue matching
Graip.AI offers a comprehensive solution for automated PO processing

Simplified Document Upload

Upload any invoice (via drag-and-drop, email, or API) linked to PO data in external databases. Graip.AI seamlessly routes documents to designated units and user groups, ensuring controlled access.

Flexible Verification and Approval

Users can easily verify and approve extracted data to ensure accuracy. For organizations with multi-level approval workflows, Graip.AI streamlines the process within the platform. The system automatically detects missing data and inconsistencies between POs and your ERP system, notifying document senders and relevant personnel.

Seamless Integration with ERP

Following verification, PO data or key elements can be intelligently mapped to processed invoices. This enables automatic updates to inventory/purchase status in your ERP system, regardless of invoice-PO connection (one-to-one or many-to-many relationships). Graip.AI also facilitates invoice creation within the ERP system based on your established workflows and business rules.

Intelligent Data Extraction

Leveraging our powerful Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) engine, Graip.AI accurately identifies all essential data, including business partner details and ordered/acquired products and services. The system can also be easily configured to recognize multiple product attributes.

Data Editing and Refinement

Extracted data fields can be edited as needed. Our annotation tool empowers users to train the system for improved accuracy. Subsequent uploads leverage user annotations for enhanced results.

Flexible Data Export

In addition to API-based export to third-party systems, processed documents can be exported in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF) to meet your specific needs.

We are measured by your success

Graip.AI is a partner-led organisation. We care about your success a support our partners with resources and execute programs with a clear focus on our ecosystem.

Training &

Training & Enablement

Get up to speed with training programs tailored to different roles - sales, presales, consulting, and development.


Sales Support

The Graip.AI sales team supports your sales cycles by providing the necessary resources and competence.


Joint Go-To-Market

Includes account planning, use case definition, market development support, a dedicated partner lead, and focused sales support.


Project Support

Our team of ML Architects, Business Analysts, and Developers take care of your implementation success.

How it works

Kick-off meeting

During discovery call

Key touchpoints & Goal settings

Personalized assessment of how AI can benefit your business & Potential ROI

Resources & Time Planning Agreement


1-2 days

System onboarding

Sales onboarding

Customer definition




Deal closing


Partnership cycle

Within Partnership Cycle, your journey with us is simplified into three key stages:

⦁ Kick-off Meeting: We kick things off with a discovery call after you submit your application. This initial phase is about enhancing your product for your clients using our AI expertise. We work closely with you to understand your needs and those of your end customers. For instance, if you're looking to augment your product with AI, we analyze your requirements and services, proposing features that not only meet your needs but also add extra value for your end clients. After identifying key touchpoints and setting collaboration goals, we present a personalized vision of how our product can benefit your business and generate more value for your clients. A preliminary ROI analysis is provided, detailing resource and time allocations, ensuring you have a clear understanding of all the terms of our partnership.

⦁ Onboarding: Once we've sealed the deal with a collaboration agreement, our focus shifts to implementing our IDP AI solution within your product. Whether you're an independent software vendor seeking to increase product value or a reseller of our solution, our goal is to integrate Graip.AI seamlessly for your benefit and that of your clients. We delve into your business processes to configure tailored AI solution, ensuring a smooth transition. Our experts handle our product implementation aspects, while our sales team trains your sales reps about product features and functionality. This training is geared towards enhancing your team's ability to offer IDP AI enhancements to your clients.

⦁ Support All the Way: Our partnership extends beyond just onboarding. We're committed to supporting you in the long term. From technical support to pre-sales assistance and deal-closing support, we're with you at every step, ensuring that the Graip.AI solution continuously adds value to your product and enriches your client relationships.

Once everything's in place, you get your hands on a top-notch product and dive into the world of IDP AI expertise. It's all about discovering new opportunities, pulling in new clients, and making your current ones more satisfied.

Our Partnership Principles

⦁ We highly value time, both ours and yours.

⦁ We're dedicated to crafting customized solutions that precisely align with your unique business processes.

⦁ We prioritize transparency and honesty, steering clear of unnecessary services to maintain simplicity and focus.

⦁ We are committed to bringing tangible value to you and your customers.

⦁ We aim to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and enjoy the rich exchange of experiences.

⦁ We're committed to maximizing the potential of AI to the extent possible, freeing up human resources for more valuable and inspiring tasks.

Partner Qualities We Cherish

⦁ Customer-Centric Orientation:

We appreciate partners who put their customers first. It's all about understanding unique needs of their customers, delivering customized solutions, and providing top-notch customer support.This approach paves the way for growth and success, benefiting both the company and the client.

⦁ Innovation Mindset:

We, at our core, are driven by collaboration with forward-thinkers who are always up for exploring the latest technologies, methodologies, and solutions to take automation processes to the next level. Staying open to new ideas is essential for businesses to remain at the cutting edge of automation advancements.

⦁ Ethics & Transparency:

We value ethical behavior and transparency in our partners because trust is the bedrock of successful partnerships. Clear and open communication, coupled with ethical behavior, builds and maintains the trust that is essential for a thriving partnership.

⦁ Long-Term Commitment:

We appreciate partners who are committed to long-lasting relationships. Building enduring relationships is at the core of what we value. Those who invest in mutual growth, contribute to the success of the partnership, and weather challenges together are the partners we cherish.

⦁ Continuous Learning:

We admire entrepreneurs who embrace learning and fearlessly adapt to changes, technologies, and methodologies. It is a true honor to work with those who actively seek knowledge, swiftly adjust to evolving circumstances, and stay ahead of market trends.

Become a Partner

Before our meeting regarding our Partner Program opportunities, could you kindly provide answers to the following questions? This will help us prepare the agenda accordingly.

First name

Last name


Work email


Company name

Kindly provide a description of your products or services*

Please provide information on which of your services or products can be integrated with our IDP AI solution*

What potential opportunities for growth do you see, and what are your expectations for collaborating with our company? *