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Fully automated PO processing

Template-free, low code solution. All related documents processing (invoices, receipts, package lists, contracts) - E2E solution. API integration.

Graip.AI automates purchase order (PO) processing by intelligently extracting business and material/service data from POs and associated documents (invoices, receipts, bank statements). This data is then compared with your ERP system to verify item usage/status, purchase history, and business partner validity. Graip.AI's automation extends across various industries.
languages: automatic translation and transliteration to/from
up to 50% less time employee spends on PO processing
average cost per 1 PO manual processing, according to APQC study
Challenges of Traditional Automation (Beyond Manual Processing):

Limited Visibility

Even with basic automation solutions, organizations often lack real-time insights into the PO processing stages. Delays or errors can go unnoticed until later stages, hindering proactive problem-solving.

Data Latency

Traditional automation may introduce data latency, where there's a lag between data capture and its availability for analysis. This can lead to outdated information and hinder informed decision-making.

Integration Bottlenecks

Integrating legacy ERP systems with automation solutions can be complex and time-consuming, delaying the realization of real-time benefits.

Strategic goal

To fully automate the processing of purchase orders and all related documents, eliminating manual workflows

Graip.AI offers a comprehensive solution for automated PO processing:

Simplified Document Upload

Upload any invoice (via drag-and-drop, email, or API) linked to PO data in external databases. Graip.AI seamlessly routes documents to designated units and user groups, ensuring controlled access.

Flexible Verification and Approval

Users can easily verify and approve extracted data to ensure accuracy. For organizations with multi-level approval workflows, Graip.AI streamlines the process within the platform. The system automatically detects missing data and inconsistencies between POs and your ERP system, notifying document senders and relevant personnel.

Seamless Integration with ERP

Following verification, PO data or key elements can be intelligently mapped to processed invoices. This enables automatic updates to inventory/purchase status in your ERP system, regardless of invoice-PO connection (one-to-one or many-to-many relationships). Graip.AI also facilitates invoice creation within the ERP system based on your established workflows and business rules.

Intelligent Data Extraction

Leveraging our powerful Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) engine, Graip.AI accurately identifies all essential data, including business partner details and ordered/acquired products and services. The system can also be easily configured to recognize multiple product attributes.

Data Editing and Refinement

Extracted data fields can be edited as needed. Our annotation tool empowers users to train the system for improved accuracy. Subsequent uploads leverage user annotations for enhanced results.

Flexible Data Export

In addition to API-based export to third-party systems, processed documents can be exported in various formats (Excel, Word, PDF) to meet your specific needs.

We prioritize the security and integrity of your data

We take pride in maintaining a secure environment that empowers you to utilize our technology with confidence, enabling you to focus on your core business objectives. Your data security is our top priority.

ISO 27001: Information Security Management System

ISO 27001: Information Security Management System

We ensure that your data remains confidential, available, and protected against unauthorized access.

ISO 9001: Quality Management System

ISO 9001: Quality Management System

This certification showcases our dedication to delivering consistent and exceptional quality in our solutions and services.

ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management System

ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management System

The certification signifies our proactive approach to ensuring the continuity of our services, even during challenging times.

24/7 Customer support

24/7 Customer support

Client success manager

Client success manager

We deliver

We keep promises of our sales team. We deliver performance they say we do.

Recognition Rate
Doc types
ISO certificates
Up to ROI
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