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How AI and IDP are Redefining Document Workflows

In the business world, who wouldn't appreciate having all their documents neatly organized and precision that rivals a surgeon's scalpel, all without the time-consuming labor? Even though this might sound like something out of Neverland, it's a reality thanks to today's tools like machine learning and artificial intelligence. Let's explore the synergy between Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Document Processing, and how it's quietly but profoundly reshaping the way enterprises deal with document management.

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The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Document Processing

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is all about taking information from various documents, making sense of it, and turning it into a useful, organized format. In other words, with IDP you can extract, classify, and interpret data from a diverse range of documents, transforming unstructured information into structured, actionable insights. Back in the day, this was a huge headache for humans trying to do the same job by hand because the process was slow, prone to errors, and required lots of effort. Then the world witnessed a rise of AI, which in the field of IDP became a transformative force that liberated businesses from the constraints of manual document processing. AI, especially Machine Learning (ML) models, have the ability to learn and adapt from data. When AI is added to the IDP solution, it becomes like a smart detective. It can look at documents, figure out what's what, and pull out what’s important. It excels in dealing with different types of documents, even if they're in different languages or have diverse layouts. On the surface it might seem like each IDP solution employs AI but it’s not true. All solutions take different routes to achieve the same destination: automated document processing. Yet those with AI have a revolutionary element that amplifies their effectiveness, precision, and flexibility significantly.

The Limitations of Old-School IDP

Traditional IDP tools usually stick to rules and templates for data extraction. They're great with structured documents that follow the same old and consistent format. But, throw in a curveball like messy, unstructured data, different layouts, or even a mix of languages, and they start to fumble. Users typically need to manually configure templates and rules for various document types, a process that can be both time-consuming and intricate. Moreover, these systems may require human intervention to rectify errors and validate extracted data, diminishing the efficiency gains promised by automation. As document volumes increase, scalability issues may arise, resulting in operational bottlenecks and reduced overall efficiency.


IDP Solutions with AI: The Transformative Edge

When you bring AI into the IDP, particularly machine learning, the whole game shifts. IDP solutions powered with AI don't just play by the rules; they learn actively, evolve, and decode even the messiest unstructured documents.

AI-powered IDP isn't just a technological advancement; it's a revolution in how we handle and leverage data in various industries. For example, in healthcare, AI can extract patient data from medical records, improving patient care and research. In finance, AI automates the processing of invoices and receipts, minimizing errors and reducing fraud risks. Logistics and supply chain management benefit from AI's ability to quickly process shipping and delivery documents, ensuring smooth operations.

Here's how AI transforms IDP:

Continuous Improvement and Adaptability

AI models can learn from new documents, automatically adapting to changes in formats and layouts. With each interaction the system refines its understanding and enhances data extraction precision. This reduces the need for manual template adjustments and ensures accuracy even with evolving documents.

Unstructured Data Handling

AI can process unstructured documents with ease. It understands context, learns from patterns, and accurately extracts data from various sections of a document.

Reduced Human Intervention

AI's ability to process unstructured data accurately reduces the need for constant human intervention. This leads to faster and more efficient document processing.


AI-driven IDP solutions handle large volumes of documents effortlessly, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes. The scalability ensures consistent performance, even as document loads increase.

Advanced Insights

AI not only extracts data but also provides insights that can be utilized for analysis, reporting, and strategic decision-making.

To put it simply, AI-powered IDP solutions bridge the gap between structured and unstructured data, providing a comprehensive and precise method for handling documents. Leveraging AI, enterprises can unlock uncharted territories of efficiency, precision, and adaptability. This, in turn, enhances their document workflows, resulting in a boost to operational performance.

How Custom ML Models Outperform Public Alternatives

There are, of course, notable differences between public and private ML models. While tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have almost unlimited resources, their solutions, with all due respect, are mostly generic and not precisely tailored to customers' needs.

At Graip.AI, we have a dedicated team of ML and AI experts who have developed our proprietary model. In our initial tests, the results were astounding: while Microsoft’s ML/AI model achieved a document recognition rate of 53%, our custom model excelled at 82%. This impressive accuracy isn't static; our model is designed for active learning, constantly evolving and improving its performance.

Active Learning enables our IDP solution to swiftly adapt to new document templates without requiring manual intervention. As your business deals with different types of documents, our solution gets smarter with each interaction because it adjusts and learns on the go. When it encounters a new document format, the active learning model gets even better at understanding the information, making it more accurate.

First document recognition rate



Microsoft’s ML/AI


Additionally, Graip.AI – Intelligent Document Processing Platform is integrated with our own linguistic models similar to ChatGPT.

It intelligently recognizes and extracts relevant information from incomingemails, allowing customers to automate their data retrieval and integration into business software applications. Capturing important details, populating forms, or creating new documents, our email body text recognition feature transforms unstructured email content into actionable data. Unlike the open-source models readily available, we have the capability to craft customized solutions tailored to specific client needs. This level of customization is a rarity in the market, where most rely on off-the-shelf models and simply extend their functionalities. With our approach, we can fine-tune the core model itself, delivering a unique and powerful solution. In terms of technology, Graip.AI is undeniably ahead of the curve, making it a standout in the field.


Next-Gen Document Processing: What Lies Ahead

So, the era of one-size-fits-all solutions is making way for a new era of tailor-made efficiency. The integration of AI into IDP marks an exciting development, promising a streamlined approach to document management that caters specifically to the unique needs of businesses. As AI technology advances at a remarkable pace, the future holds even greater potential for managing document workflows.

The fusion of AI and IDP is not just a technological milestone — it's a transformation.

Enhanced operational efficiency gives organizations the keys to unlock the full potential of their data. The power of data lies in its ability to provide valuable insights, fuel growth, and give companies a significant edge in a highly competitive business landscape. With a better understanding of the available data, companies can improve decision-making, allocate resources more efficiently, engage in highly personalized marketing, mitigate risks, etc.

As industries of all kinds begin to embrace the joint forces of AI and IDP, the future of document processing looks sharper, quicker, and way more insightful than we've ever seen.